What is screen printing, screen printing and heat press transfer printing process the same?

What is screen printing, screen printing and heat press transfer printing process the same?

First introduce screen printing

Screen printing is the basic principle: the use of screen printing plate graphic part of the network through the ink, non-graphic part of the mesh is impermeable to the basic principles of printing.When printing, ink is poured onto one end of the screen printing plate, and a certain pressure is applied to the ink portion on the screen printing plate by a squeegee squeegee to move to the other end of the screen printing plate.Of course, a single screen printing can only print a single color. If you need to print multiple color patterns, you need to be divided into multiple printing, printing orders if less.Suitable for printing large quantities of orders.

Heat transfer printing is very simple, is the use of Heat press machine after high temperature and pressure to the pattern transfer to the product.First of all need to have a computer, Epson printer, Heat transfer paper and heat transfer machine, the first pattern printed on the transfer paper,Then in the heat press machine with the transfer of the pattern on the hot stamping needs to be printed on the product.

Author: heatpressmachinesite

Miracle Heat Transfer Equipment Co.,Ltd

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